Wednesday, April 20, 2011


CEHH tahu2 jerh ecok nk uad pe kan haha mesti kitorunk information faster cam pos laju , tomorrow i think some of my classmate are thinking that we should complete our art portfolio coz tomorrow there's many teacher are absent they have to go for the tennis tournament .haha the class is our haha yesterday we celebrate JAZZMAN ADI PUTRA burfdayz 18/4/2011 HAHA he got eggs all over him padan muka , haha the whole class are crazy that day they spread all over mineral water to each other the gurl also haha skalie skala gile2 slalu senyap jerh kankan.haha and tomorrow plak pnya kerja gilerh after i finish my art port folio we think about it .Rase2 nk cmpak buku cm tdy tk haha tamau2 bosan douhh lrie drie cikgu lpak bilik seni okeyh gakkk ntierh ckgu belanje air lgierh cm tdi .Dada 5 ehsan were a great class ever the student are sporting gilerhhhhhhhh lgierh2 time uad oral tergelak2 we talk about silent killer that is more to the cause of smoking lala sometime our english are broken nevermind we try our best right.that all kott i'll wait untill tomorrow

1 comment:

Iszuan | Is said...

happy birthday utk Jazzman tu ok! hehe!
Okay bro act aku nk puji blog ko ni, kemas dn mearik kot! Kalau bole aku nk blaja r cmne nak design wat tittle2 widget yg mcm kat sidebar ko ni. tu pun kalo ko xkberatan la. tq!
